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01392 822066

Privacy Policy

Heritage Developments SW Ltd

Heritage Developments respects each person’s privacy and this policy will advise you how we collect and use the personal information that you supply us with. By submitting your data to us, it is implied that you have given us your permission to use your data under the terms of this policy.

Why we need your details:

Heritage collect and use your personal contact details, which can include telephone numbers, address, email and property status so that we can process one of the following:

  • Reply to any requests for information that you ask us for
  • Clarify any particular query
  • Register you for any future Heritage Development
  • Cross check any information that we receive with that held on our database

How we receive the information:

The information that we hold may be supplied by you directly to us by telephone, office visit or email. We may also have information that has been supplied to us by one of our business partners i.e a Property Portal.

Who has access to this information:

Your personal details will be kept with the Heritage Developments organisation until such time as you ask for them to be removed or we decide that in absence of any response they should be removed. Your details will not be sold or otherwise disposed of to any third party except were we are legally obliged to do so.

How we may use this information:

We sometimes run marketing campaigns were we will send you information via email as to our developments that we are currently working on. After viewing our show home or visiting our sales centre we will contact you within 7 days to ask your thoughts on the development as a whole to gain feedback for our records. If you proceed to purchase one of our homes your details will be sent to your solicitor to allow contracts to be issued.

How secure are your details:

When you register your details, we will take all reasonable steps to keep these details secure and free from unauthorised access.

Removing or changing your information:

If you wish to change the information that we hold for you or be deleted from our database please contact the relevant office with which you originally registered. Your information will be removed as soon as is practically possible and no further contact will be received.

In the unlikely event that you have a complaint about the way in which your details are stored please contact or write to Heritage Developments SW Ltd, 1a Newton Centre, Thorverton Road, Matford Business Park, Exeter, EX2 8GN.

Click here to download our privacy standard.

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